District 30 Senate and 30A House seats in Play for GOP

District 30 senate candidate Stacie MacDonald and District 30B Del. Seth Howard are hoping to turn District 30 red along with District 30A delegate candidates Doug Rathell and Rob Seyfferth (not pictured) -Photo courtesy of Stacie MacDonald.-

District 30 in the Annapolis area has always been a moderate district as the late Speaker Michael Busch served with Republicans Herb McMillan and Ron George in District 30A in 2010 and 2014.

Republicans thought that George was going to win that Senate seat in 2018 when Sen. John Astle retired but fell victim to the blue wave that year. District 30 is again very winnable for Republicans in 2022.

GOP Senate candidate and business owner Stacie MacDonald has a chance to defeat Democratic Sen. Sarah Elfreth in that race. Again District 30A is a very moderate district and when you add Seth Howard’s strong single-member District 30B, MacDonald has an excellent opportunity to flip this seat red.

Busch and and Democrat Lisa Cain won these two seats in 2018. Busch died in 2019 and Cain stepped down in 2020. Current Delegates Sherry Henson and Dana Jones were appointed and are leftist for District 30A.
Again Michael Busch and John Astle were considered “old school” Democrats compared to the three current Democrats in this district. Sen. Sarah Elfreth and the two Democratic delegates in District 30A are too liberal for this moderate to conservative district. Republican challenger Doug Rathell has ran at great campaign and has the ability to take a seat in the Annapolis area from either Henson or Jones. The other Republican is Rob Seyfferth. He hasn’t ran much of a campaign but that second seat is available if he wants it.
Seth Howard should get reelected without any problem in District 30 B.
Republicans can sweep all of District 30.

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