Badillo Endorses McDonough for County Executive

Badillo with Pat McDonough from a event in September 2021 -photo courtesy of Darren Badillo Supporting Baltimore County-

The Primary Election is over and Republicans must come together in November. There is a lot of healing to do and many Republicans on the losing end probably won’t endorse their primary opponents for the General Election.

One candidate that did endorse his primary opponent was Baltimore County Executive GOP candidate Darren Badillo. Despite all over the controversy during the primary, Badillo announced that he is endorsing GOP County Executive nominee Pat McDonough in an online statement.

“Pat McDonough came out victor and was selected by the people. He is going to need your help to run a strong campaign against the democratic machine that has so negatively impacted this County through the Johnny O administration,” Badillo said.

“This is not about me and Pat now. It’s about our county, our children, our people. If a republican is going to win this County seat and start the process of turning this County around for the positive, the better. It’s going to take my republican supporters, open minded and informed democrats who weigh carefully what we have and ask themselves-” can we do this better?”* And independents, to send new republican leadership to the county executive position. I encourage everyone to go to Pat’s campaign website and sign up to help.”

Badillo accused McDonough of stealing his campaign sign during the primary.

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