Buckel Won’t Run for Congress in 2022

Could House Minority Leader Jason Buckel become a candidate for Congress?

House Minority Leader Jason Buckel released a statement last week that he will not run for Congress in District 6. There were reports that many national Republicans were trying to convince the western Maryland Republican delegate to run for Congress against Democratic Congressman David Trone.

With the newly redrawn maps, there were reports that Buckel polled better against Trone than any other Republicans in the race, but Buckel said he would rather run for re-election in Legislative District 1A in the House of Delegates.

“While the polling data and other indicators revealed that I would have a good shot in a competitive district, and while I firmly believe that it’s imperative, we put a brake on the Pelosi/Biden agenda in DC by electing a Republican working majority in both houses of Congress, it simply isn’t the right time for me to jump into this race at the deadline, both personally, professionally and politically,” Buckel said in a statement.

“I’m committed to continuing to serve the people of my community and of our state in the House of Delegates and continue to work with my great colleagues as the leader of the Maryland House Republican Caucus as we work this election year to bring more balance to the General Assembly and fight for common sense policies on crime, taxes and cost of living issues, and education, among others.”

Six GOP candidates have filed for office in District 6. Delegate Neil Parrott (R-2A) is the favorite to win the Republican nomination and to face Trone in November.

“Maybe somewhere down the road, a congressional race may make sense for me—but I extend my best wishes to everyone putting themselves out there in the arena for the 6th District this year and thank all my friends and supporters who’ve reached out with encouragement this week,” Buckel said.




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